
Most of us know there is a payoff to looking good, and in the quest for beauty we spend countless hours and billions of dollars on personal grooming, cosmetics, and plastic surgery. But how much better off are the better looking? Based on the evidence, quite a lot. The first book to seriously measure the advantages of beauty, Beauty Pays demonstrates how society favors the beautiful and how better-looking people experience startling but undeniable benefits in all aspects of life. Noted economist Daniel Hamermesh shows that the attractive are more likely to be employed, work more productively and profitably, receive more substantial pay, obtain loan approvals, negotiate loans with better terms, and have more handsome and highly educated spouses. Hamermesh explains why this happens and what it means for the beautiful--and the not-so-beautiful--among us.

Exploring whether a universal standard of beauty exists, Hamermesh illustrates how attractive workers make more money, how these amounts differ by gender, and how looks are valued differently based on profession. He considers whether extra pay for good-looking people represents discrimination, and, if so, who is discriminating. Hamermesh investigates the commodification of beauty in dating and how this influences the search for intelligent or high-earning mates, and even examines whether government programs should aid the ugly. He also discusses whether the economic benefits of beauty will persist into the foreseeable future and what the "looks-challenged" can do to overcome their disadvantage.

Reflecting on a sensitive issue that touches everyone, Beauty Pays proves that beauty's rewards are anything but superficial.

Daniel S. Hamermesh is the Sue Killam Professor in the Foundations of Economics at the University of Texas, Austin, and professor of labor economics at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. He is the author of Labor Demand (Princeton) and Economics Is Everywhere.




  • 鸿蒙太空
  • 黑天鹅
  • 夏冰雹
    长相不佳的人面临全方位的社会歧视,尤其是在职业发展方面,不好看的人整体收入水平从始自终赶不上好看的人的收入水平,两者平均相差15%。无论是律师、教师、政客、运动员,长相好都能带来更多经济优势。仅在一个职业领域,长相欠佳的人具有巨大的优势 —— 抢劫,只有长得足够具有威慑力,才能抢到东西。 鉴于长相的不平等几乎永远无法消除,Hamermesh提出,和少数族裔、老年人、残疾人等弱势群体一样,丑人也属于社会弱势群体,政府应该立法保护他们,将丑人纳入残疾人保障法的范畴。2022-08-14

