
Of the nine books of lyrics the ancient Greek poet Sappho is said to have composed, only one poem has survived complete. The rest are fragments. In this miraculous new translation, acclaimed poet and classicist Anne Carson presents all of Sappho’s fragments, in Greek and in English, as if on the ragged scraps of papyrus that preserve them, inviting a thrill of discovery and conjecture that can be described only as electric—or, to use Sappho’s words, as “thin fire . . . racing under skin.” By combining the ancient mysteries of Sappho with the contemporary wizardry of one of our most fearless and original poets, If Not, Winter provides a tantalizing window onto the genius of a woman whose lyric power spans millennia.



  • boliang
    Anne Carson的萨福2022-11-16
  • 张良亦。
  • Clytemnestra
    原来标题也是fragment。馨香到无以复加,适合一个玫瑰紫红色的春夏傍晚、庭院、圆桌,边晃桃子冰气泡水边等星星;Lesbos-Lesbian,能在风里回到莱斯博斯岛。Eros shook mymind like a mountain wind falling on oak trees2022-03-18

