
Picking up where Fall of Giants, the first novel in the extraordinary Century Trilogy, left off, Winter of the World follows its five interrelated families—American, German, Russian, English, and Welsh—through a time of enormous social, political, and economic turmoil, beginning with the rise of the Third Reich, through the great dramas of World War II, and into the beginning of the long Cold War.



  • Hydra
  • CC
    Heart breaking read. Things were much worse in WW2 than WW1. I used to believe that sometimes war is the only way to beat down evil. Now I believe that war is the worst evil itself.2017-11-25
  • xuanday
    中文版看到chapter11 改为英文版继续看3.17 60% 3.18 1505 70% 03191536 80%0320 blacken shit out of USSR0321 真的是 日常黑苏联1伍迪参议员儿子 沃洛佳将军儿子 格雷格富商儿子 劳埃德议员儿子 看看这些主要人物的出身 全是养尊处优2上一季中 赤贫出身 白手起家的剧情已经不复存在了 列夫虽然混蛋 但也很讨我喜欢 从一个混混成长为手段狠毒的资本家 格雷戈里不必多说 贫民窟变成了革命的缔造者 3把人物成长穿插在由下至上的阶级跃升中 才能赢得观众的代入感2022-03-21

